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Reporting Safety Events


The purpose of a patient safety organization (PSO) is to promote shared learning to enhance quality and safety by working with clinicians and healthcare organizations that report safety events. Privilege and confidentiality protections are conferred to healthcare providers who voluntarily work with federally listed PSOs, such as NCPS, and have a written agreement in place to regularly submit reports about adverse events and environmental hazards that pose risks to patient safety.  

NCPS encourages members to report:

  • Safety events that reach the patient, whether or not they result in harm.
  • Safety events that do not reach the patient that have the capacity to cause harm (near misses).
  • Unsafe conditions that have the capacity to result in an adverse event.
  • Any event or condition in which there are lessons learned that can be shared for improvement. 

There is no shared learning if there are no reported patient safety events!

Learn more about the Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research patient safety organization program.