Committee Members
NCPS is largely supported by the work of individuals who volunteer their time and expertise. Committees include the Executive Committe, Finance Committee, Reporting Committee, and the Education Committee. A brief synopsis of the committees' accountabilities and current members is listed below.
Executive Committee - conducts regular business functions between full Board of Directors (BOD) meetings, reviews and makes recommendations to the BOD for final decisions for any standing or special committee proposals, and has the duty of nominating potential candidates when coalition officer vacancies occur.
Jason Kruger MD, President (NMA)
Doug Elting, Treasurer (Consumer)
Katherine Jones, PT, PhD, Immediate Past-President (Consumer)
Pamela Dickey, MPAS, PA-C, Vice-President (NAPA)
Nicole Blaser, MSN, RN, Secretary (NHA)
Finance Committee - recommends NCPS budget, establishes membership fees, and assists with grant writing.
Doug Elting, Chair
Jason Kruger, MD
Julie Rezac, RN, BSN, MEd
Katherine Jones, PT, PhD
Reporting Committee - reviews events reported by members, discusses identified causal factors and overall thoroughness of information reported, and identifies risk mitigation strategies
Dan Rosenquist, MD, Chair
Edward DeSimmone, II, RPh, PhD, FAPhA
Pam Dickey, MPAS, PA-C
Cyndie Hansen, RT, RCIS, RDCS, RVT
Katherine Jones, PT, PhD
Jason Kruger, MD
Merna Newland, MD
Denise Sabatka, RN, BSN
Education Committee - develops annual education plan to meet members' needs, provides training for members and non-members in practices that support key components of a culture of safety.
Nicole Blaser, MSN, RN Chair
McKenzie Behrendt, OTD, OTR/L
Dana Steiner, BSN, MBA, CPHQ
Katharine West, DMSc, PA-C
Darcy Wisehart, RPh
Emily Barr, OTD, OTR/L
Carla Snyder, MT(ASCP)SBB, MHA, CPHQ
Ashley Dawson, MS